Monday, April 7, 2008

My Standpoint

Based on the whell of conditions of Difference here is my standpoint for the 12 conditions:

Religion: Agnostic/Atheist, not quite sure which one yet

Geography: Always lived in the northwest, so I gues I've always had a less conservative way of thinking.

Nationality: I'm a mix of a lot of things but I am mostly serbian and german.

Profession & Status: Student

Class: Not rich but not poor.

Education: In college.

Physical ability and intellect: Smart and healthy.

Race: Serbian and german.

Gender: Female


Culural Heritage: Serbian

Sexual orientation: Straight

Now that I have filled everything out and im looking through it, I realize some of these things are more imporant than others. For example, being a female definately has an effect on my standpoint because I am female I am able to see things with more emotion then males. Also, my religous standpoint also plays a key part in the way I look at things and so does coming from the seattle area. Other things like age an race do have an effect but are not as influencing as other factors. In my opinion what affects people depends on that person and their own personal experiences.

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