Sunday, April 13, 2008


The more you read the newspaper, the more familiar you become with the stories that continue from day to day. So here's a list of concepts, people, places etc. that are fundamental to the ongoing stories. Define them, tell why it's news, and if appropriate, how it connects to you. (Post to your personal blog.)

1. Prime Rate- Interest rate that banks charge their most credit worthy customers.
Important because: Its news because this is the best rates that the banks offer but they only offer them to customers who they deem worthy which are always customers that dont need the interest rates in the first place. The intersest rate in itself is designed for the rich to make them richer.
2. Tibet- A country in Asia.
Important because: The Dalai Lama and China have been disagreeing since China seized Tibet with military action in 1951. Also, Tibetan Buddhist monks and the Chinese police have been clashing violently as of late in the longest protest since the 80's.
3. Colombia Trade Agreement - An agreement made by President Bush in 2006 with Colombia that will supposedly create export opportunities for American farmers and ranchers. Colombia would benefit by gaining new economic opportunity.
Important because: Now that Bush is pushing the agreement through, Democrats denounce his actions, saying that the Colombians have not done enough to stop the violence there, protect labor activists and demobilize paramilitary organizations.
4. Iraqi military, militia, U.S. military -- who's who in the Green Zone? - The Green zone is in Baghdad and is referred to as the "ultimate gated community" for its heavily guarded boarders. It is a place where U.S. occupation authorities work and live.
Important because: The Iraqi militia bombed the Green Zone last month, which killed 400 people. The U.S. military is defending it along with the Iraqi military
5. Benedict XVI - The current Pope.
Important because: He's visiting the United States in several places wherein he evoked the saintliness of John Paul, his predecessor, and met with Jewish leaders.

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